Editor: Murzamadieva Maynyura Savetovna

Professor, Rector of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality, Kazakhstan



Editor: Ralf Schlauderer

Professor, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, Germany



Editor: Henry Mattnews

Professor, Writtle University College, UK



Editor: Jacques Bulchand-Gidumal

Associate Professor of Digital World. TIDES. University of Las Palmas



Editor: Milen Filipov

Assistant Professor of Public Relations, KIMEP University, Republic of Kazakhstan



Editor: Rosa M. Batista Canino

Vice rectorado de Empresa, Emprendimiento y Empleo, ULPGC



Editor: Farhod Ahrorov

Professor, Samarkand Veterinary Medicine Institute, Uzbekistan



Editor: Nooraini Youp

Open University Malaysia, Director Taiping Learning Center, Doctor of Philosophy in Management


Editor: Hadion Wijoyo

Associate Professor, High School Informatics, and Computer Management Dharmapala Riau, Indonesia


Editor: Francesca Di Virgilio

Associate Professor, University of Molise


Editor: Makhabbat Ramazanova

Assistant Professor at Universidade Portucalense (UPT), PhD in Tourism


Editor: Dr.M. Ihsan Dacholfany, M.Ed

Asist.Prof, Managemen Education and Islamic Education, Ahmad Yani Street, No.162, Rt: 34.Rw: 16. Iring Mulyo Metro City, Lampung Indonesia

Editor: Prof. Dr. VASA, László

Széchenyi István University, Hungary



Chaitanya Krishna Suryadevara,

Sr. Researcher and Software Engineer, Wilmington University, USA


Mohammed I. Ali,

Sr. Software Engineer, Information Technology, Canada



Kodirov Uchkun Ilkhomovich,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty Mechanisation of Animal Husbandry And Agriculture, Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnologies of National Research University "TIIAME"



Khudoyorov Laziz Niyozovich,

Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Head of the "Software Engineering" Department of the Karshi Branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies Named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi.


Nabiev Muminjon,

Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences Department of Construction of Buildings and Structures Fergana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Fergana



Askaraliev Odilbek Ulug'bek O'g'li

Tashkent University of Information Technologies Named After Muhammad Al Khorazmi, Associate Professor of the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences


Sirojjidinov Fazliddin Nasriddinovich

Head of the Department of Scientific Research and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel of the Kattakurgan Branch of Samarkand State University. Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences



Usmanov Akhtam Usmonovich

Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Information on the Management of Technological Processes, Department of Communication Systems, Associate Professor



Yamaletdinova Munira Faditovna

Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Food and Chemical Industry Machinery and Equipment, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences


Tulaganova Moxinur Voxid Qizi 

Doctor of Philosophy, Technical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Spinning Technology, Faculty of Technology Textile Industry, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry


Babamuratov Bekzod Ergashevich

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), Docent Termez State University.


Nasrullayev Nurbek Baxtiyorovich

Nurafshon branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi


Almatov Ilkhomjon Mirzabek O’g’li

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Geological Sciences State Institution Institute of Mineral Resources, Uzbekistan



Shanasirova Nodira Abdullaevna,
PhD. Department of Management, National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers”



Urinov Nasillo Fayzilloevich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute



Ismailov Mominjon Yusupovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan



Yangiev Asror Abdixamidovich

Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanism Engineers, Professor of the Department of Hydrotechnical Construction and Engineering Structures, Doctor of Sciences



Kadirov Odiljon

Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanism Engineers, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydrotechnical Construction and Engineering Structures.



Adjimuratov Dilmurat Serikxanovich

Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanism Engineers, National Research University, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydro-technical Construction and Engineering Structures, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences



Butaev Tuhtasin

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Kukon branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Scientific Researches, Innovations and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel, the Head of the Sector



Ikromov Akmaljon G`ofurjonovich

Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Interior Affairs, Department of Public Safety, Traffic Safety Service, Center for the Study of Traffic Safety Problems, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  in Technical Sciences



Kushimov Bakhtiyor Alishovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Kokan branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov


Xayitova Javhar Murataliyevna,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Termez State University, Uzbekistan


Babanazarova Nargisa Kamilovna
PhD, Associate Professor (Docent), Department of Electromechanics and Technology of the Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute


Bozorov Makhsum Bakhshilloyevich
PhD, Associate Professor (Docent), Department of Electromechanics and Technology of the Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute


Ibragimov Abdirasuli Abdikarimovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Scientific Secretary of the Scientific-Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Uzbekistan.


Gayubov Talat Nuritdinovich,

Doctor of Technical Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of "Automatics and Telemechanics" of the Tashkent State Transport University


Sodikjanov Jakhongirbek Shukhratbek ugli
Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Department of Automation of Machine-Building Production, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor


Muxamedsaidov Bakidjon Karimovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. Professor of the department of “Methods of Professional Education”. Uzbekistan


Ismatullaeva Xolida Zakrullayevna

Candidate of Technical Sciences. Docent. Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. Docent of the Department of “Methods of Professional Education”. Uzbekistan


Urinov Aziz Pardayevich,

PhD Doctoral Student of the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures named after M.T. Urazbayev of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Makhsudov Mokhirbek Tolibjonovich

Associate Professor of Andijan Machine Building Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences


Komilov Ne’matilla Muxammadjonovich
Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Mechanization (SRIMA), PhD of Technical Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher, Head of the Experimental Department



Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology,  Light industry and Food Technologies, Docent



Dusanov Ravshan Khalilovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Science, Head of the Executive Office of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Ruzmetova Dildora Tulibaevna

PhD, Docent, Associate Professor of Food Technology Department, Urgench state University.


Ruziyeva Nodira Baxodirovna

Tashkent State Transport University(TSTU), Associate Professor of Applied Mechanics Department Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences


Niyazalieva Mukhayo Makhmudovna

Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Senior Lecturer, Department of Natural Fibers, Ph.D. (PhD)


Karaev Payzillaxon Yusufxonovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on Economic Science, Associate Professor of Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute


Kenjayev Mirjalol Erkinjanovich

Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Engineering


Umarov Shavkat Isomiddinovich DSc,

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Technology, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh,  Uzbekistan


Aliyarova Lola Abdijabborovna

PhD, Docent, Departament of "Alternative Energy Sources" in Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute.



Jumayev Hikmatulla

Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics, Tashkent State Transport University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences



Boikhanov Zailobiddin Urazali O'g'li

Associate Professor of Electro-technics, Electro-mechanics and Electro-technologies of Andijan Machine -Building Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences


Adilova Mokhira Shavkatovna,

Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences


Tursunova Dildora Abdusattovna,

Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Engineering


Abdurahmonov Abdusattar Qaxxorovich

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences


Akhmatov Abdumalik Abduvakhob ugli

Navoi State Mining and Technology University, Department Automation and Control


Olimov Odiljon Tursunmurodovich

Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).


Shukuraliyev Abrorbek Shukurali O'g'li

Associate Professor of Electrotechnics, Electromechanics and Electro-technologies of Andijan Machine -Building Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences


Berdimuratov Umid Tagaymuradovich

Associate Professor at the Department of "Metrology and Technological Machines", Faculty of Mechanics, Termiz Institute of Engineering and Technology.


Ravshanov Hamrokul Amirkulovich

Karshi institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology of “TIIAME” National Research University, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs and Innovation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


Isaqov Abror Faxriddinovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Senior Teacher-Methodologist at the Faculty of Crime Prevention at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs



Dusyarov Khudoymurod Chorshanbievich

Associate Professor of Technological Education Department of Pedagogical Institute of Termiz State University



Yuldasheva Gulnora Buranovna

Deputy Dean of the “Correspondence” Department of the Tashkent State Transport University.



Maturazov Izzat Soliyevich

Deputy Dean of Aviation Transport Engineering of Tashkent State Transport University, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences


Saitov Aziz Azimovich
Doctor of Technical Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of "Radio-Electronic Devices and Systems" of the Tashkent State Transport University


Kholikulov Bekzod Jovliyevich

Associate Professor of the "Information Technologies" Department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics


Alikulov Elbek Abdukaimovich

High Military Aviation School, Head of the Training Department  Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan


Mirzaev Shamsiddin Rajabovich

PhD, Associate Professor, Mirzaev Shamsiddin Rajabovich, Head of the Department of Architecture, Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute.


Musaev Nuriddin Muxitdinovich

Associate Professor of the Department “Technology of Textile Fabrics”, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (TITLI), Uzbekistan


Soataliyev Rakhimjon Rakhmonjon O'g'li

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of "Construction and Maintenance of Highways" of the Tashkent State Transport University


Rajabov Shohrukh Shermahmatovich

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances. (PhD)


Abdullaev Husniddin Husen O‘g‘li

“Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Department Associate Professor



Murtazayev Eshmurod Mustofayevich

Associate Professor of Department "General Engineering Sciences" at the Karshi Engineering Economics Institute


Tursunov Mirolim Ahmadovich

Associate Professor of the "Information Technologies" Department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics


Khodjamkulov Sakhomiddin

Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of the Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Docent


Kholiyarov Musadilla Shodievich

Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D on Technics, Head of the Department of Education Quality Control of Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan


Yorbobayev Ruslan Chorievich

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances. (PhD)


Abobakirova Zebuniso Asrorovna

Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Senior Lecturer of the "Building and Structures Construction" Department, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences.


Nabiev Muminjon

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Docent of the Department of Construction of Buildings and Structures, Candidate of Technical Sciences



Bakhromov Makhmud Mamathanovich

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Docent of the Department of Construction of Buildings and Structures, Candidate of Technical Sciences


Shukurova Oysara Pulatovna,

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology "TIIAME National Research University, Associate Professor of Automation and Control of Technological Processes”


Kushimov Azamat Abdurazzoqovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Processing of Textile Products, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


Karimjonov Dilyorbek Doniyorbek O'g'li

Associate Professor of Electrotechnics, Electromechanics and Electrotechnologies of Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences


Sharipov Khayrillo Numonjanovich

Namangan Institute of Textile Industry, "Docent in the Department of Textile Fiber Engineering"


Toshev Sherzod Orziyevich

Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Affair, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor



Kuchkarov Mukhiddin

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Humanitarian Sciences of Andijan Faculty of Tashkent Institute of Finance, Uzbekistan.


Bekkulov Zhakhongir Sherboevich

Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Doctor of Philosophy. Docent


Abdurakhmonov Olim Shoykulovich

PhD, Senior Lecturer, Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology, PhD, Docent. Uzbekistan


Yakhyayev Nodir Sharifovich

Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas affair, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Oil and Gas Chemistry and Technology



Gʻaimnazarov Israil Xoliqovich

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydro-structures, Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Uzbekistan



Gʻaimnazarov Israil Xoliqovich

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydro-structures, Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Uzbekistan



Razzzakov Tura

PhD, Associate Professor, Agriculture, Mechanization and Service, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan



Begimkulov Fayzulla Ergashevich

PhD, Associate Professor, Agriculture, Mechanization and Service, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan



Karshiboyev Sherzod Begmaxamatovich,

PhD in Technical Sciences, Docent, Department of Metallurgy, Almalyk Branch of Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan



Askarova Nilufar Musurmanovna,

PhD in Technical Sciences, Docent, Department of Metallurgy, Almalyk Branch of Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Xoliyarov Musadilla Shodievich

Doctor of Philosophie Ph.D on Technics, Head of the Department of Education Quality Control of Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan


Mamadjanov Baxodir Djuraxanovich

Associate Professor of Electrotechnics, Electromechanics and Electrotechnologies of Andijan Machine -Building Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences


Eshankulov Sherzod Ummatovich

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Automation and Management of Production Processes, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


Abdurakhmonov Olim Shoyqulovich

PhD, Senior Lecturer, Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan


Abdigapirov Abdimutal

Military Institute of Information Communication Technologies and Signals, Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences


Isakov Alijon Abdumitolipovich

PhD, Associate Professor,  Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute



Artikov Askar

Doctor of Technical Sciences (DcS), Professor of the Department of Informatics, Automation and Management of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology



Norov Sobirjon Negmurodovich

Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Technical Sciences, Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute



Rajabov Yarash Jabborovich

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Technical Sciences


Nortojiyev Abror Muxamadaliyevich

Associate Professor (Acting) of the Department of "Mathematics and Natural Sciences" of the Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences.


Xudayberdiyev Saibjan Saliyevich

Associate Professor (Acting) of the "Mathematics and Natural Sciences" Department of the Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.


Kurbanova Mahira Abduvakhabovna

Associate Professor of the Department of "Medical and Biological Chemistry" of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technics, Docent.



Sherali Raufovich Urinov

Doctor of Science (DSc) in Technical Sciences, Professor of the National University of Science and Technologies in the Almalyk, Uzbekistan


Rakhmatov Davron Axmedovich

Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Electromechanics and Technologies, Associate Professor, PhD


Shaymatov Babakul

Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Electromechanics and Technologies, Associate Professor, PhD


Khojiev Kayim Beshimovich

Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Electromechanics and Technologies, Associate Professor, PhD


G‘aybullayev Burxonjon Shermatjonovich

Scientific Secretary Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Technical Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher,  Agricultural and Meliorative Machinery, Mechanization of Agricultural and Reclamation Works.


Ergashev Ma’rufjon Muxammadjonovich

Scientific Secretary Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization. Head of the Laboratory "Livestock mechanization", Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Technical Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher,  Agricultural and Meliorative Machinery, Mechanization of Agricultural and Reclamation Works.


Umarov Sardor Fotixovich

Scientific Research Institute of Sericulture, Head of Laboratory of  Primary Processing, Standardization and Certification of Cocoons, Candidate of Technical Sciences.


Salomov Abubakir Axmadqulovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technologies, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan


Karshiev Alisher Eshmamatovich,

Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Associate Professor of the "Agricultural" Department.



Kuzibekov Sardor Komilovich

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the "Food Technologies" Department, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan



Otakulov Oybek Hamdamovich,

Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering of the Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, Candidate of Technical Sciences



Ismailov Mamurjon Mukhtorovich

Associate Professor, Fergana Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khwarazmi


Daliev Bakhtiyor Sirojiddinovich,

Dean of the Faculty of Telecommunication Engineering and Vocational Education, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, (PhD)



Irkabaev Djumanali Usmanovich

Islam Karimov Tashkent State Technical University Olmalik Branch Department of Chemistry and Physics,  Associate Professor



Muminov Makhmudzhan Umurzakovich

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Almalyk branch "Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" Department Associate Professor



Kholikov Alijon Abdiraupovich

Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Docent of the Department "Machines and Equipment of Food and Chemical Industry", Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences


O'tashov Zafar O'rolboy o'g'li

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technologies. Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute,  Jizzakh, Uzbekistan


Olimov Tolmas Farkhodovich

PhD Senior Lecturer, Department of General Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Tashkent Institute of Chemistry and Technology


Razzakov Ruslan Ishkulovich

Senior Lecturer, Department of Ecology and Water Resources Management, National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" (TIIAME), Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences


Xolboyev Elyorjon Baxromjonovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the External Department, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan



Nafasov Mirzomurod Mukhamadovich

Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of "Information and Communication Technologies"


Bulanov Ismailjan Abdulmomunovich

Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Printing and Packaging Technology Department PhD, Assistant Professor


Toshpo‘latov Islomjon Adiljon O‘g‘li

Dean of the Part-Time Department of TDTU Kokan branch in Technical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Usmanov Inomjon Israilovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), Dean of the Faculty of Energy, TDTU Kokan branch named after Islam Karimov



Djurayeva Nafisa Radjabovna,

Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Associate Professor of the Department Food Technologies


Allayarov Jasur Jumanazarovich

Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Associate Professor of the "Agricultural" Department


Rajabov Tulkin Tilakovich

Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Associate Professor of the "Agricultural" Department


Mamadjanov Alisher Mamadjanovich

Toshkent State Technical University, Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences



Khojiyev Abdurakhim

Namangan Institute of Textile Industry, Associate Professor of the Department of Design and Technology of Light Industry Products, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor



Toychiyev Zafarjon Zokirovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), Head of the Sector of Scientific Research, Innovations and Training of Scientific Pedagogical Personnel, Kokan branch of Islam Karimov Tashkent State Technical University


Djumabaev Alijon Bakishevich

Andijan Machine Building Institute, Department of VehicleEengineering, Doctor of Science


Kurbanov Azizali Ilkhomovich

"Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" Karshi Irrigation and Agrotechnology Institute, Dean of the Faculty of the Hydromelioration, Doctor Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD)


Bozorova Lobar Sharipovna

PhD, Associate Professor, Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnologies, Uzbekistan


Tojiboev Suhrobkhon Ja’far ugli

Associate Professor Department of the “Automation and Management of Technological Processes”,  Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute


Saloydinov Aziz Avazovich

Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of "Oil Refining Technology", Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), Bukhara, Uzbekistan



Shohrux Fayziyev Shamsi O’g’li,

Associate Professor of the "Geodesy and Land Use" Department of the Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics.



Gapparov Shokir Hasanovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Science, Deputy Dean of the Correspondence Department of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers  MTU, Uzbekistan.


Rahmatov Norkobul

The Technology and Organization of Hydro-meliorative Works Department Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture 


Ruzibayev Askar Jiyanbekovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, Docent of the Department of "Software Engineering", Fargona branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khorazmi, Fergana, Uzbekistan



Sadriddinov Baxtiyar Badriddinovich

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, “Master of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship (MBA)” Department of The Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan




Tashkent State Technical University, Kokan Branch, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technologies, Doctor of Physics, Mathematics DC



Kadirov Anvar Gulyamovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics Tashkent State Transport University



To‘ychiyev Zafarjon Zokirovich

Head of the Sector of Scientific Research, Innovations and Training of Scientific Pedagogical Personnel, Kokan Branch of Islam Karimov Tashkent State Technical University



I.A. Toshpolatov

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Kokan Branch, PhD


Askarova Dilbarkhon Sodirali Kizi

Tashkent State Transport University, Senior Teacher, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences


Bakirov Gayrat Kholikhberdievich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Teacher of Аlmalyk Branch of Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov



Umarov Talibjon

DSc, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Technology Department, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov



Nurkhonov Xusan Almirza ugli

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Teacher of Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute



Karimov Yoqub Latipovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of “Mining and geology” of the Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan


Dononov Jasur Ural's son,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in geology and mineralogy, Associate Professor of the Department of "Geology and Mining", Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Omonov Bahodir Shomirzayevich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Logistics, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan


Jurayev Muxiddin Nortojiyevich

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Logistics, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan



Eshonkulov Ravshan Abdurazakovich

 Doctor of Sciences (DSc) in technical sciences, head of department “Ecology and hydrology” at “TIIAME” NRU Karshi institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology


Ruzikulov Gulom Yusupovich

PhD, Docent department of “Heat Power Engineering” in the Karshi Engineering Economics Institute.


Ochilov Dilshod Muborakbek o’g’li

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology "TIIAME” National Research University, Associate Professor of “automation and control of technological processes”


Khamdamov Bakhrom Raimdjonovich,

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, (PhD), Associate Professor of Department "Metrology, Standardization and Management Quality of Products", Andijan Machine Building Institute. Uzbekistan


Bobokulov Farkhod

Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of "Oil and Gas Processing Technology", Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD). Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Parsiyev Saydiakhat Solikhodjayevich

Military Institute of Communications, Information and Communication Technologies. Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Software Engineering


Vokhidov Erkinjon Alievich

Associate Professor (PhD) of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute



Ismailov Astan Ibragimovich

Andijan machine building institute Dotsent of the Department of "Electrotechnics, electromechanics and electrotechnology", candidate of technical sciences.



Urinov Nasillo Fayzilloevich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Department of Transport Engineering and Metal Technology.


Payazov Mirobbas Miraxmatovich

Department of Modern Information Technology, The Uzbekistan State World Languages University



Oserbaeva A.K.

Department of “Technology of silicate materials and rare and precious metals”, associate professor, Ph.D., Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Faculty of Chemical Engineering


Sadikov Roman Orazalievich,

Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies of Karakalpakstan, Head of the Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Doctor of Philosophy, Docent.


Naurizbaev Alliyar Oserbaevich,

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Acting Associate Docent in the Department of Ground Transport Systems, Doctor of Philosophy.



Kurambaev Baхtiyor Rajabovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher Scientific-research institute of agriculture mechanization, laboratory manager


Khodamjon Muydinovich Kholdarov,

Lecturer, Department of Chemical Technologies, Kokand Branch of Tashkent State Technical University, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, PhD



Abdurakhmanov Abdurashid Atakhanovich

Professor of Andizhan State Technical Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Graduated From Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry. Engineer - Technologist. Specialist In Technical Safety.


Tilavov Husan Shomurodovich

Associate Professor of the Department of "Chemical Technology and Quality Management" of the Shahrisabz Branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology



"Uzdavyerloyikha" State scientific-design institute of the Chief Engineer of Andijan region division 



Head of Human Resources Development and Management Department of the "Uzdavyerloyikha" State scientific-design institute 


Khalimjonov Tokhir Salimovich

Professor, Doctor of technical sciences (DSc), Department of Metal Technologies, Tashkent State Technical University


Kholov Uygun Raufovich

Head of the "General Physics" Department, Associate Professor at Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute.


Otaqoziyeva Vazirahon,

Head of the Department of Chemical Technologies, Kokand Branch of Tashkent State Technical University, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD)


Alimov Shokhriddin Muxammatovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, teacher of Аlmalyk Branch Of Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov


Juraev Komil Turayevich
Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in Docent


Rahimov Sherzod Abduvaxabjonovich
Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in Docent