The study of ancient history, religion, culture of South, South-East and East Asia in Uzbekistan

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Prof. N.G Nizomiddinov


The study of above mentioned subject on the basis of national mentality is an initial step in the years of Independence of Uzbekistan. Because, such a positive approach to the sources of spiritual values, if on the one hand, helps to feel initial oneness of mankind noted in divine messages; on the other hand, it creates mutual understanding among the nations with different faiths, which is important today in struggling against the international extremism and terrorism. By the way, «All religions», - as a well-known sufi Mansoor Khallaj said, - «are the different twigs of one and the same Tree.» In accordance with this view-point, in our investigation we tried to continue the tradition of Abu Reikhan Beruni, who over a thousand years ago created the scientific method of comparative study of the world national values – history, religions, culture and traditions

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How to Cite
Prof. N.G Nizomiddinov. (2023). The study of ancient history, religion, culture of South, South-East and East Asia in Uzbekistan. Eurasian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17, 58–65. Retrieved from